Black Friday sale!!! The UNediting Guide is 50% off ($75) until midnight, 11/27! Login will be emailed to you within 24 hours!
I’ve spent over 8 years and thousands of hours working in Photoshop and perfecting my editing my technique. And now I’m proud to introduce Mom*tog’s UNediting Guide.
Much like the UNmanual simplifies the complex and technical language of shooting in Manual with your DSLR camera, the UNediting Guide breaks down the endless capabilities of Photoshop into what Mom*togs really need to know. Through a series of video tutorials accompanied by written descriptions, Mom*tog’s UNediting Guide takes you through my editing process from start to finish. I begin with the basics of how I organize my photos, and then move onto other aspects of editing such as retouching images, conversion to black and white, sharpening, and much more. By guiding you through the parts of Photoshop that are most applicable to photographers, Mom*tog’s UNediting Guide will give you the confidence you need to turn those great images you captured after reading the UNmanual into amazing, canvas-worthy pictures on your wall.
Mom*tog’s UNediting Guide can be purchased a la carte for only $149 but because I believe that you need a good out of camera image to create a great picture with editing, I am offering the UNmanual2 and the UNediting Guide as a bundle for only $249. If you have not studied the original UNmanual or UNmanual2, or if you do not have a strong foundation for shooting with your DSLR, I do not recommend purchasing the UNediting Guide a la carte.
The UNediting Guide will guide you through any version of Photoshop. I currently use Photoshop CS6 to process my images and Adobe Bridge to view and organize my images.
To purchase the UNediting Guide press the green “Take This Course” button below!
UNediting Guide, I will honor the bundle price. Please email me at and I will send you an invoice.
*** Due to the instant access of this product there will be no refunds issued. The UNediting Guide is not for professional photographers who have their own workshops, online courses, or photography guides. None of the information in the UNediting Guide may be used or replicated without written consent from Drew Bittel. The UNediting Guide is for the exclusive use of the purchaser and is not to be shared or used by multiple users. All materials in the UNediting Guide is copyrighted under DrewB Photography, LLC.
From Retouching course.
From Salvaging an Image course
From Let’s Edit + Making Grass Greener course
From Black and White course